Saturday, March 19, 2011

Identity Card

This morning I got identity card for Co-ass (Dokter Muda), both sadness and happiness, mixed into one weird feeling..

This card comes with great responsibilities, and it's even harder for me to believe that I've already gone this far..
I don't ask any more than passed-successfully-exams, going-smoothly-duty and being-nice-seniors.. Hehe.
I may not be perfect in every single thing I do, but I'll do my best. :)

Oh, you have to know that there's one chronic disease that incurable, very infectious, and getting more serious day by day, and this disease's called with..
Narcissism. :P

One more wish, I want to have my own daily diary of being Co-ass like these:
L to R: Metamorphosis by Meta Hanindita, Cado-cado Kuadrat and Cado-cado by Ferdiriva Hamzah

Please Allah, make everything easier and strengthen me to be better.. Amin ya rabbalalamin. :)

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