Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tropical Disease and Infection Station

Spent two weeks at Tropical Disease and Infection station.
Since Indonesia is one of country that has two seasons,
Dr. Soetomo General Hospital is one good..
err best place to learn tropical diseases ;p

We ordered delivery of Gotri, and I chose Tamie goreng sapi as lunch before having night shift :p

And other favorable spot is..
Kamar DM (Private room for Co-asisstent), you'll be hypnotized to fall asleep for hours when you're on shift. Beware!

Tropical disease such as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Typhoid Fever, Gasteroenteritis (diarrhea) are our daily meals. We almost have new patients infected by these virus or bacteria everyday. And important for (soon to be, amen!) general physician like us, to differentiate DHF, Typhoid Fever and Malaria by the type of fever. Simply means, you have to exercise how to take the history of illness well. Happy learning!

We also have patients with HIV infection (ODHA - Orang dengan HIV AIDS) here. We take a good care of them at UPIPI (if I'm not mistaken, UPIPI stands for Unit Perawatan Intensif Pasien Intermediet. Correct me If I'm wrong!), and the sad thing is, almost all of them who hospitalized have developed to AIDS, not only HIV infection. AIDS is one of the staging of HIV infection, and it has been severe illness. Deficiency of CD4 makes patients loss their immunities, and cause them get infected by virus and bacteria easily. I always have to face the death of UPIPI's patients when I'm on my shift. Protect yourself from the infection of HIV, dear readers. :(


Anonymous said...

UPIPI stands for Unit Perawatan Intermidiate Penyakit Infeksi. This information is on the HP of Dr.Soetomo Hospital.


haridiva said...

Sepertinya di luar negeri itu langsung pakai istilah "intern", bukan Koass atau DM seperti di negara kita :).