Friday, September 23, 2011

Digestive Surgery, One Favorite Journey

A week spent in Digestive Surgery listed as one of my favorite learning journey.
If you ask me why, I might explain you in more than an hour.
I got the palpitation before meeting the staffs and acute stomachache before having session to discuss.
I also had experience witnessing amazing surgeries performed by our great teachers.

I thank our amazing lecturers for giving up their time to have discussions with these "still do not know anything" Dokter Muda(s) hahahah :p
They not only taught as a lot, but also motivated us to be better, not to be lazy (and lazier than now) and challenged us not to be inferior than doctors from abroad.
Quoted from dr. Iwan K, Sp.B-KBD, "Successful persons only do the necessary things. They choose read textbooks instead of novels."

Photos taken when we had break:
(note that we never escaped from our duties!)

Having Nasi Padang as lunch before night shift. Yumm! :9

The next day's morning report, we got Dunkin Donuts from Monica aka Bunce!
We had waited for more than an half hour until Eja and Bunce came to Room and annouced that... "Today's morning report has been canceled guys. Seriously you don't know?"

Me and Bonita had chance to escape for a while when Sholat Jum'at's break. We beautifully took very short nap at Kamar DM Anestesi. Thank your for lending us bedroom, Teman Sejawat Anestesi!

This cute photo :))
Very tired Hore's girls fell asleep (tiredness caused by night shift) while had waited for the next class began:

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