I wrote this post while I was working a night shift at emergency room. You must already been cuddling inside your warm blanket at this hour. Sleep heavenly tight then. Please do read this post tomorrow morning. :)
I enjoy my shifts actually, except the part of seeing death and delivering bad news to family of patient. The hardest part is to stay calm when emergency patients come, to stay sympathy when one patient gone, to keep everything fine in line. Learning the art of medicine has never been easy so far, yet when we're able to create beautiful creatures, which means here patients that get better, all your hard work and sleepless night are paid off. Trust me, nothing beats the thankful sayings from patients; the smiles they give after you say "Stay strong Mam, you'll be okay."
Ah iya, we luckily got accompanied by co assistant from UII. I see so much difference between co assistants in Unair and them (yes, the term "Young doctor" is definitely wrong. Colleagues from abroad never use that term for medical residents or co assistants.)
One day, I knew one of them reading medical physiology book. "I'm re-reading about cell mitosis phases, so I easier can understand how chemotherapy works," he said, when I asked him why he's been so serious focusing on a book. And his answer got me wowed.
Another time, I got patient with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma referred to our hospital. This patient actually had routinely checked and already got chemotherapy from Soetomo General Hospital (FYI, previous hospital where I worked before), and he referred to our small hospital because he wanted to move back to his hometown, to be near his family. From Soetomo, he brought results of laboratory examinations that not available in Soeroto, and this co assistant, curiously asked me "Why did they examine this? *Pointing out to result of LDH examination*"
That what makes us different from them. The curiousity levels. :)
Well then I learned a lot from them. Medicine requires long life study that we must not stop at some point. To feel desire for updates, no satisfaction. That's the path we chose living in. May you enjoy yours, dear fellow clinician! :)
NB: About love life? Please skip the questions!
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