Attended a seminar of Public Health Sunday morning :)
This seminar updated about nutrition and health status of mothers, infants, and young children in Indonesia today. Spokeperson explained how early nutrition gives a big impact on life long outcomes. Evidence based study proves that numbers of protein-energy malnutrition still reaches high although Indonesia is getting slowly increased economic growth. See? Investing in early life nutrition is that important, because it's essential to children's physical and cognitive development.
Save the children and save the future of your country!
Again, we took many many photos in seminar. We feel honoured to have attended such an excellent event like this for free. Thank you Public Health for having us here :)
And girls will never get enough photos :p
We got these seminar tools kit after the show. A printed certificate, a useful tote bag, a blocknote, and a 4 GB flash disc in one package! Booooyeah!
I look forward another interesting seminar like this :)