Saturday, April 28, 2012

Attending An Enjoyable Seminar of Public Health

Attended a seminar of Public Health Sunday morning :)


This seminar updated about nutrition and health status of mothers, infants, and young children in Indonesia today. Spokeperson explained how early nutrition gives a big impact on life long outcomes. Evidence based study proves that numbers of protein-energy malnutrition still reaches high although Indonesia is getting slowly increased economic growth. See? Investing in early life nutrition is that important, because it's essential to children's physical and cognitive development. 
Save the children and save the future of your country!

Again, we took many many photos in seminar. We feel honoured to have attended such an excellent event like this for free. Thank you Public Health for having us here :)

And girls will never get enough photos :p

We got these seminar tools kit after the show. A printed certificate, a useful tote bag, a blocknote, and a 4 GB flash disc in one package! Booooyeah! 

I look forward another interesting seminar like this :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Farewell, Ophthalmology!

A pending post, hehe :p Since the Blogger's layout changed, I had (and still, am having) problems in posting. Maybe that's only me having difficulty, or still not well adapted with this new tools :p

During 4 weeks rotation in Department of Ophthalmology, we also went to Rumah Sakit Mata Undaan, Surabaya (a private hospital specializing exclusively in Ophthalmology). Only for three days, yet it had been enough for us to learn more about eyes and its equipments used in eye examination (which are not available in our hospital). And also for all three days, we had the famous Soto Ayam located in front of The Eye Hospital for brunch! This was the main purpose why we had been all here! To taste the delicious Soto Ayam Hartono :D

And on the last week of rotation, we also visited The Blind School. YPAB, which means Yayasan Pendidikan Anak Buta (School for Blind), also can be translated into another acronyms: Yakin Pasti Akan Berhasil (Will Succeed for Sure). Touching! :')

Ah finally... After an hour struggling for making this post and fixing it right! Well, one month I spent here in Ophthalmology Department will remains in my memory that lasts forever... (Alah) :p Before I post this writings, lemme write a hearfelt thank you note to my teachers: dr. Ni Nyoman Geriputri and dr. Nicholastri (hopefully I spelled their names right!). Thank you doc for being busy all day long teaching us, for a month of mentoring and .... helped us (especially me!) so much to improve skills. You both will continue to inspire us and may your recidency years go smoothly, may you successfully graduate and be great ophthalmologists! :)

Farewell, Ophthalmology!