Thursday, December 23, 2010

And before we closed that day, he said, "Don't worry princess, if the whole worlds against us, I'll still be there.."

sweet, don't you think so? :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jaga Obgyn ;D

kemaren kemaren, saya dan 4 orang lainnya yang beruntung kebagian tugas jaga di VK atau kamar bersalin di IRD RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya.
selama 8 jam jaga, kami sama sekali tidak menyaksikan satu ibu hamil yang melahirkan di sini! ngik! :"(
pertama kali datang, saking nganggurnya kami sempat foto di sana-sini untuk membunuh waktu. weits, banyak dokumentasi bukan berarti kerjaan kami cuma foto-foto aja,
karena tak lama kemudian ada satu pasien gawat yang dirujuk dari salah satu rumah sakit kecil dari surabaya barat. tentu aja kami ditentir chief dan ppds yang sedang berjaga bersama kami waktu itu. malu juga saat tahu ilmu kami masih dangkal begini :)))

yeay! tim jaga full team! ;D

dan beberapa foto di ruang tindakan:

saya sebenernya pengen cerita tentang kasus pasien, tapi saya urungkan aja deh daripada nanti bermasalah hehe maklumin yaa ;p
ada dua pasien waktu itu, dan dua-duanya dilakukan operasi :(
sedih rasanya kalau yang datang bukan ibu hamil sumringah yang akan melahirkan,
tapi mereka datang karena harus mengikhlaskan calon bayinya untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya sendiri.
ini, menyadarkan saya betapa beratnya perjuangan ibu yang akan melahirkan.
antara senang dan kesakitan, mereka tetap bertahan..
dan saya jadi kangen mama yang lagi bertugas di luar kota! :(

setelah jaga lumayan lama, kami akhirnya memutuskan mengisi perut di kantin 24 jam yang ada di sebelah. saya makan soto ayam. tasted good sih, apa mungkin karena saya lapar? -_-

saya kerasan kok di departemen ini! satu yang masih menjadi tanggungan,
saya mau melihat partus yang fisiologis! :(

to witness the birth of a baby is our best opportunity to experience the meaning of world miracle. -Paul Carvel


Dec 5th was my Mom's birthday.., and I know I am too late to post something about celebration now hihi, my bad ;p
She got Dune by Christian Dior's parfume as a birthday present from us (Daddy, actually hehe),
and as usual, no birthday cake here because none of us eat sweets!

the best mom :)

dinner at sushi tei, mommy loves sushi sooooo much, and when we go out for a dinner, we always have sushi (that curry rice and ramen were mine and kiko's, we're enough with sushi -_-)

daddy and mommy, we will always pray for your health and prosperity ;)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

You're the best thing that have ever been mine. (Taylor Swift)

When I miss you

Distance never separates two hearts that really care.
For our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there.
But whenever I start feeling sad because I miss you,
I remind my self how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.

Everyday you have to read tweets about two love birds that having a date somewhere,
or a girl complaining about how busy her bf is.
I was, tweetless, only observing that girls spamming around my time line.
Then, another girl plans to go suicide after had a severe broken heart.
Others, express their big love with super romantic tweets.

Life might be very unfair to me recently.
I am having thousand-miles-away-relationship,
waiting patiently just for seeing his smiling face, live.
I always keep taking a quick look at my phone, wish it blinks,
warn me that I have a message to be read, and it's from you.

Sometimes, I really want to write when I miss you,
tell the world that I have someone I am addicted to,
but I have been mature enough not to publish that things to worldwide,
let me, let you, only us, know how we badly miss each other.
I do miss you.

Someday, when the day comes,
you will be very grateful for having him,
though it takes miles miles miles away..
He really deserves your super patience,
the times you have been waited for him,
is not the times you have been wasted.
Someday, someday..